She is the one that cast men into the prison of stone, sitting lonely on couches only to succumb to late night television, and unspeakable acts to those that grow hairy palms. in the end only drunken phone calls, like echoes into the night.

Dumpster Fire 1-2

The dumpster fires are what I like to call “Cast Away Thoughts”; like those of memories that burn for an eternity, and relief doesn’t whelm until riddance of them in the flame of the dumpster fire.


A relic of time itself, made from the hide of a Treant and processed down to a paper-like substance, then scribed upon to be an artistic representation of the “War of Wizards”, only pervade by those who take mescaline or written/drawn by those who are blessed with the recently known to be “Schizophrenia”.


Slow is time, and torrential as it never ceases. A home you should build, where time flows even like air. Is your mind empty, full of air, and happy? or, is it heavy and torrential like a blizzard or a hurricane? life is both cruel and giving.


Is the universe like water, at the bottom of the ocean? Is there some fractal paradox where the universe we live in is just a Higgs boson, and the suns in our distant space are flares to light up the seemingly infinite darkness at the bottom?

American Tenacity

May 8, 1945, World War II in Europe came to an end.


The Baboon is such a wild and crazy guy, he wakes up and starts his day with a breakfast that he doesn’t cook, and a drink he does not pour. Things are done for the Baboon that he should do for himself. The Baboon is tasked with many things throughout the week, and his tasks are easy and sometimes pleasant. This Baboon waits to step down into a new life, which will happen, but slowly.

"The Cthulhu Mythos"

“The Cthulhu Mythos” is a drawing based off of the audio book series. While i was listening to the series of audio books I took inspiration from inspector Legrasse, and The voodoo doctors, some other inspirations from the dream cycle as well.

Fuc! C0VID

The cow that travels the globe providing cosmic milk to all people on earth.

(During Covid this was a drawing about paranoia and fear. I was also frustrated with the government, and the mental health system. )


She is bliss, a form alien to the world. She is pupae, and beautiful, and she seeks to be understood. She at the same time searches to read the threads of life; to form a world where she is rid of anxiety and fear. she blossoms finally into the cosmic butterfly and wanders the realms of space alone.


Holy shit did you see that? Its flat and round. Whats that sound? it sounds familiar and Purple too. Those mushrooms we took are stellar and cool. I can hear my life like an audio book in the hums of the world. I don’t like it, but I don’t hate it. Take me away universe, to those hums that never cease. Eternity